
13-08-27 15:14 来源:网络 作者:Mali
Mali(马利):Former LGD-Gaming Social Media Manager(前LGD俱乐部公关媒体经理),虽然他来自法国,但是他一直心系LGD,为全世界玩家能了解中国的DOTA2战队而一直默默地作出不懈努力。

  2. Association of Chinese eSports ACE 联盟

  In an interview with the chairman of the Association of Chinese eSports, Pei “King” Le, he was quick to mention that this association was not aiming to control the teams. As a matter of fact, they do have some control over them. A team can’t participate in any tournament if the prize-money is lower than 250,000 RMB. At the exception of DreamHack and RaidCall EMS, the western scene does not have any tournaments with more than 250,000 RMB (i.e. $30,000) in prize-money. What does this mean? It means that if there was such an association for the western scene with the same regulations, teams would be playing only two tournaments (not counting the different seasons) throughout year. Isn’t it ridiculous considering that all the players who started playing this game did it because they enjoyed it and because they actually wanted to play the game?


  在西方赛事中,除了最大牌的Dreamhack以及Raidcall EMS,没有任何赛事能够达到这个标准的。说到这里,咱们反过来看一下,如果西方俱乐部有了一个跟ACE相同的联盟,那就意味着2013年的Alliance、Navi之类的队伍只会被允许参加两项赛事。这是多么可笑的一个境界啊?但是,中国的ACE就做到了,愣是把为了游戏,为了竞技而奋斗的选手们限制得一年仅参加了5项赛事。

  The Chinese teams used to have a significant advantage over the western teams with the team house and salary, but now that several western teams have caught up, the Chinese teams are now disadvantaged. Indeed, while the Chinese teams may still be ahead than most western teams with their team house and salary, they are way behind when it comes to playing the game. This year, the Chinese teams participated in ONLY five tournaments while the western teams played in no less than nine tournaments i.e. four more tournaments. This is already a pretty big deal not to mention that the format used in most of these tournaments actually allow the teams to play more than three matches no matter what. Some of you may not understand what I am trying to say right now so I am going to use numbers.


  One of the most powerful Chinese teams, Team DK, participated in five tournaments this year and played 30 official matches (11 Best-of-One’s, 4 Best-of-Two’s, 13 Best-of-Three’s and 2 Best-of-Five’s). The Swedes of Alliance played 83 official matches through eight different tournaments (45 Best-of-One’s, 4 Best-of-Two’s, 33 Best-of-Three’s and 1 Best-of-Five). What should you remember from this? Well, it does not matter how good you are, if you do not have any official matches where you can execute strategies or heroes that you have tried out in practice games, you will have poor results against the teams who can.

  举个例子:中国的一个强队,DK,在2013年参加了五项赛事,总共打了30场(11个BO1,4个BO2,13个BO3,2个BO5 )。瑞典的Alliance参加了8项大赛事,打了83场(45个BO1,4个BO2,33个BO3,1个BO5)。这些数据说明的就是,不管平时怎么训练,如果缺少正式比赛,就是打不过。

  Last year, before the second edition of The International, I hosted an event for the Asian participating teams, and despite having a low prize-pool, the teams still enjoyed playing this event. They did not care about the money, but it was still a good way for them to play some serious matches. After The International, some players even thanked me for hosting such an event. But now that ACE have entered into the Dota 2 world, hosting these online events are now impossible. Did ACE become too powerful to give a chance to their teams to practice?



  DOTA2一周大事记第8期 后Ti3时代风波

  VALVE致谢:Ti3非常成功 记录再创新高

  海涛:TI3失败新开始 玩家素质需提高






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