
13-08-27 15:14 来源:网络 作者:Mali
Mali(马利):Former LGD-Gaming Social Media Manager(前LGD俱乐部公关媒体经理),虽然他来自法国,但是他一直心系LGD,为全世界玩家能了解中国的DOTA2战队而一直默默地作出不懈努力。

  3. The Chinese teams lack creativity 中国战队缺创造性

  This is probably a point that we all agree on. The Chinese teams have never really excelled in the creativity department, and this is true that they often use the western strategies and master them. However, they do not play new strategies or heroes because they do not want to, but because they can’t. When you play a tournament like the G-1 Champions League where the ranking in the groupstage is so important, you do not want to use heroes or strategies that you have never used in an official match before and risk to lose a match that you should normally win. It is a lot easier to try out new heroes or strategies in western tournaments for two reasons:

  The format is a lot better, more matches

  The prize-pool is “low” compared to the Chinese tournaments

  When you are LGD-Gaming or Team DK, do you want to try out new heroes or strategies in the Dota 2 Super League, a tournament that offers no less than $160,000 in prizemoney? No! When you are Alliance or Natus Vincere, are you willing to play new heroes or strategies in a $10,000 tournament considering that you play like 3 of those every couple of months? Definitely!

  这个应该是大家都能看到的一点吧。中国战队一直都在创造性上有着一些缺陷。但是到了今天,中国队伍不仅是意识到了这一点,他们也急于改善,缺的就是机会。他们参加的赛事都是大赛,在大赛上是很难掏出新战术的。相比一下西方战队:西方Dota 2赛事多,大赛小赛都有,易于找机会试新战术。再回来看看DK或者LGD,如果你是他们的话,参加DSL之类的大赛,输赢关系到上万的奖金,你敢不敢拿新战术出来?不敢吧。但是Navi、Alliance就有很多奖金几千的小型赛事可以用来研发新打法。


  DOTA2一周大事记第8期 后Ti3时代风波

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  海涛:TI3失败新开始 玩家素质需提高






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