
13-08-27 15:14 来源:网络 作者:Mali
Mali(马利):Former LGD-Gaming Social Media Manager(前LGD俱乐部公关媒体经理),虽然他来自法国,但是他一直心系LGD,为全世界玩家能了解中国的DOTA2战队而一直默默地作出不懈努力。

  5. What should the Chinese teams and organizations do? 中国战队、俱乐部们现在怎么办?

  The Association of Chinese eSports is NEEDED, it’s a fact. I do not want to imagine what would have happened to some teams if this association was not here. However, these teams are here to play games, and I do believe that King and his staff should not have their word to say regarding the tournaments they want to play as long as there are no problems. If a team confirms their participation in five tournaments and forfeit some matches in four of them, this is obviously an issue, but what if there is no issue at all? Why would ACE forbid them from participating in tournaments if everything goes smooth?


  If ACE do not want the Chinese teams to be behind at the next International, let the teams participate in more tournaments. I truly feel that the Alienware Cup and the RedBull ECL was more beneficial than the Dota 2 Super League. Why? Because in these tournaments, with less money, the teams were not scared to try out new heroes and strategies. This was the first time I saw the teams try stuff and play with confidence, with no fear.



  If ACE ever agree with this, the teams should then participate in more online tournaments, no matter how low the prize-money is as long as it is not ridiculously low. By participating in more tournaments, the teams receive more exposure, and probably more money. Isn’t it the purpose of ACE? Help the teams become more sustainable? How did the Alienware Cup effect ACE and its teams? Wasn’t it a good experience for every parties involved?


  NOTE: I am sure that after reading this article, some of you will think that I am harsh towards ACE and the teams/players. As I mentioned earlier, ACE is needed, and there is definitely room for improvement. I am not going to kiss their ass just because they are powerful, and the same goes with the players. I am not going to support them if they do stupid things even if they are LGD.xiao8, DK.BurNIng, iG.Ferrari_430 or TongFu.Hao. These players are amazing, but if they do things wrong, then they need someone to tell them. Protecting them will actually make them weaker.



  DOTA2一周大事记第8期 后Ti3时代风波

  VALVE致谢:Ti3非常成功 记录再创新高

  海涛:TI3失败新开始 玩家素质需提高






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